Aaron Bazzell is a musician, composer and educator based out of Brooklyn, NY. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, at the age of eight the family moved down south. Now living in Metro-Atlanta, he would eventually come home from school one day to find that his father had purchased an alto saxophone. After receiving some encouragement from his middle school band director, he quickly became serious about the instrument. Growing up in a household where he was just as likely to hear the music of Anita Baker as he would Art Blakey had a profound impact on his musical development. This influence is on display throughout his debut album, Aesthetic. Released on 4/22/22, the album spans a variety of genres of music stemming from the African diaspora ranging from samba to funk to swing. Joined by pianist Keith Brown, bassist Jonathan Michel, drummer Brandon Donald and featuring vocalist Rachel Robinson on one track, the recording serves as a window into his story through music. He holds a B.M. in jazz studies from Michigan State University and a M.A. in music education from Teachers College. His primary teachers are Don Taylor, Jack Morrell, Greg Ward, Wess Anderson, and Diego Rivera. Aaron is in his ninth year of teaching music in the New York City Department of Education where he strives to develop within his students the same attributes of empathy, focus and consistency that a life in music has provided him.